Are You Called to Serve?

Dear Pacific Northwest Conference, 

 The Ministry Resources Committee is looking for lay and clergy leaders to serve on several of our conference committees for two-year terms, beginning at the Annual Meeting at the end of April. We hope you will prayerfully consider offering from your time and talent in these important ways and respond before Easter Sunday! 

Our Annual Meeting theme this year is Love Deeply, and it is a call to embody the extravagant and transformative love of God. We are in a time of great change as a conference and are looking for folks who are ready to midwife our conference into the next season of church life. As your church or the Pacific Northwest Conference invites you into work of leadership and service, consider the ways that might present an opening for you to find deep gladness addressing the deep hungers of the world in some way. 


These are the conference committees most in need of your support at this time: 

  • The Committee on Ministry (East and West) needs a balanced mix of lay people and clergy—folks who are committed to the overall health of the variety of ministries/ministers in the conference, who enjoy theological thinking, who ask good questions, who listen with discernment.  The committee's robust work holds ministers/ministries accountable in love and faithfulness. Time Commitment: COM-East: meets every third Friday from 10:00-1:00. COM-West meets the second Thursday of the month from 9:30-2:30. Both require 3-6 hours a month beyond meetings.
  • Global Ministries Committee:  There are six members from the UCC and six from the Disciples of Christ. They oversee mission personal visits to our region, promote mission trips, relay mission information from the national settings of Global Ministries to the area churches, and pursue mission partnerships with churches or faith organizations in other countries, e.g. South Korea and Columbia. Time Commitment: Four meetings per year, one hour each.
  • Stewardship Committee: This committee is responsible for budgeting, property management, and investments. They are also responsible for fundraising, and it is this area in which they need additional help. Time Commitment: Monthly meetings, each a couple of hours. Plus, an extra meeting or two throughout the year.
  • Board of Directors: Members develop relationships with one another and hold the vision of the PNC Conference. They assist in the creation and implementation of annual goals and objectives that support the vision and should share the conference’s commitment to anti-racism and the introspection and learning that requires.  They also provide fiduciary oversight for the organization and stewardship of its resources with an eye to future ministry sustainability. Average Monthly Time Commitment: 3-4 hours of board and group meetings + 5-6 hours work and communications between meetings. 


If any of these opportunities are in alignment with where God is calling you, please reach out to Ministry Resource Committee (MRC) Chair, Jenn Hagedorn (contact info below), by Easter Sunday. Even if you’re just curious, the MRC team will be glad to have a conversation with you. The MRC will consider volunteers and make nominations to be approved at the Annual Meeting.