Backyard Conversations Ongoing

Backyard Conversations

We continue to hear positive things from participants!

"I came depleted and I left revived"  

"It was so meaningful spending time talking about things that matter to people I have missed being with this year"

These conversations are meant to be a no-commitment, no-guilt opportunity to connect - just sign up, show up, and enjoy. Here are some sample questions from past conversations:

  • "What did you learn about yourself or your life from the pandemic experience?  Or perhaps what was validated for you about yourself?"
  • "How have your priorities shifted because of the pandemic?  What do you want to take forward into the future from the pandemic?"

There are still three backyard sessions remaining and we have added a Zoom September 1, 6:30 pm for those wanting the convenience and/or safety of  an online conversation.

Contact Cydne in the office if you need help with the sign up or with questions.