
Ways to connect.

  • Sunday, March 23, we’ll continue our exploration of aging with the presentation “Let’s Talk About DEMENTIA - And How We Can Care for Each Other.”  Aging is NOT a precursor for dementia!

  • Meet Moxxy Rogers, our new Worship Media Coordinator! In addition to taking on our sanctuary technology, Moxxy Rogers is a Spoken Word Artist, Poet and Media Producer with a love for storytelling and theatre.

  • The Grandparents Support Group will meet Thursday, March 13 10:00 am-11:30 in the Fireplace Room. Join us as we offer one another support in this important role as grandparents. 

  • The SPIRIT group will meet on Sunday, March 2, at 11:30 am in the Fireplace Room. We will focus on the Serenity Prayer as the starting place for the conversation.

  • Rena Priest, the Poet Laureate of Washington 2021 -2023, and a member of the Lummi Nation, will be one of three speakers at the International Women’s Day celebration on March 8 in Ferndale.