Sunday, March 23, we’ll continue our exploration of aging with the presentation “Let’s Talk About DEMENTIA - And How We Can Care for Each Other.” Aging is NOT a precursor for dementia!
Ways to connect.
Sunday, March 23, we’ll continue our exploration of aging with the presentation “Let’s Talk About DEMENTIA - And How We Can Care for Each Other.” Aging is NOT a precursor for dementia!
Meet Moxxy Rogers, our new Worship Media Coordinator! In addition to taking on our sanctuary technology, Moxxy Rogers is a Spoken Word Artist, Poet and Media Producer with a love for storytelling and theatre.
The Grandparents Support Group will meet Thursday, March 13 10:00 am-11:30 in the Fireplace Room. Join us as we offer one another support in this important role as grandparents.
Would You Like To Invest Your Time and Energy In Meaningful Ways? Would YOU like to serve the Church creating the reality YOU want to see? A Church grounded in abundance, justice, and hope?
The SPIRIT group will meet on Sunday, March 2, at 11:30 am in the Fireplace Room. We will focus on the Serenity Prayer as the starting place for the conversation.
Rena Priest, the Poet Laureate of Washington 2021 -2023, and a member of the Lummi Nation, will be one of three speakers at the International Women’s Day celebration on March 8 in Ferndale.
If you’re alive, you’re aging. And with aging, come changes and challenges.
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