From the Pastors

  • When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you. –Isaiah 43:2


    Thank you all volunteers who have kept track of various needs throughout the past weeks since a couple of sprinkler lines burst above the ceiling in our sanctuary. Your hours of cleanup, connecting with contractors and insurance, moving pews, and other acts of care have been a gift to our whole congregation.

  • I'm writing this as I come back to work, after about eight weeks off for parental leave. I want to share some thank you's: Thank you to everyone who prayed for me and Rachael and for Ezekiel (and for poor underappreciated Rutabaga the cat) ... 

  • Trigger warning for sexual assault. October is domestic violence month - this is only one aspect for our contemplation. 

    Sarai could’ve said #MeToo (Genesis 12).

    Dinah could’ve said #MeToo (Genesis 34).

  • It’s been a hard year for some of us, and many wonder about the future. We witness physical and spiritual violence happening from the halls of power to our home hallways.

  • What Is Called to Care? Called to Care is the ongoing ministry of wellness for our whole congregation. This is the current Called to Care team at First Congregational Church: Maridel Johnson, Kathleen McGuinness, Karen Mills, Brenda Nicholson, Carol Nicolay, and Deanna Murray. We are a group of representatives from our church’s care teams: Parish Visitors, Faith Community Nurses, Stephen Ministers, Diaconate and Pastoral staff.