The Mission and Justice Board invites you to active discussion round tables on Sunday, February 23 after worship. Grab some coffee and snacks and join us in room 12/14. Childcare with snacks will be provided.
Our work in the community and the world.
The Mission and Justice Board invites you to active discussion round tables on Sunday, February 23 after worship. Grab some coffee and snacks and join us in room 12/14. Childcare with snacks will be provided.
Whatcom Conservation District and Whatcom Million Trees Project, in partnership with the City of Bellingham, are giving away free yard trees to residents of five neighborhoods: Columbia, Roosevelt, Lettered Streets, Sunnyland, York.
Green Team and friends are collecting batteries and lightbulbs to be recycled.
First Congregational Church is involved in creating support for our immigrant siblings in several ways.
Tuesday Evening Book Group – An Open Invitation to All: The Tuesday Evening Book Group will meet Tuesday, January 21 at 7:00 pm in the Fireplace room to choose books and discuss meeting times/formats.
First Congregational Church is hosting the Whatcom Peace & Justice Center's discussion about nuclear power January 18, 5:00 pm.
For over one hundred years, The Christmas Fund has provided direct financial assistance to United Church of Christ ministers, church workers, and their families.
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