
  • The Green Team's focus for November is "Change Your Home's Source of Energy." How much of your home's energy comes from oil, gas, or coal? Find out from your utility company and see if you can switch to renewable sources.

  • Hosted by Transmission Ministry Collective (TMC): As part of our new Church Partnership Program, TMC will be holding a series of online workshops throughout the fall, specifically geared towards churches and faith communities that want to better support their trans community members.

  • Each year the Mission and Justice Board is charged with distributing funds from the interest in the memorial Diehl Investment Fund. This year the board has distributed funds to support work in legislative advocacy, peace efforts, economic, environmental, and undoing racism

  • First Congregational Church is partnering with the League of Women Voters on October 6 to provide an opportunity to register and share information on key ballot issues and candidate forums.

  • At our midyear annual meeting in July, First Congregational Church adopted a land acknowledgement. This was the culmination of much work and conversation.