Indigenous People’s Day (Orange Shirt Day) will be commemorated at the United Church of Ferndale on Sunday, Sept. 29th as part of their 10:30 worship service.
Indigenous People’s Day (Orange Shirt Day) will be commemorated at the United Church of Ferndale on Sunday, Sept. 29th as part of their 10:30 worship service.
The Green Team's monthly focus for September is "Throw Away Less Food." According to the United Nations Action for a Healthy Planet, when you waste food, you're also wasting the resources and energy that were used to grow, produce, package, and transport it. Food rotting in a landfill produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.
The Green Team's monthly focus for October is "Clean Up Your Environment." Everyone suffers when water and land are contaminated by garbage that's been improperly discarded.
The Evening Book Group is a lay-led book group that reads and discusses books suggested by the group to deepen our faith and guide our actions.
The Mission and Justice Board will be sponsoring an effort this fall to become a 100% Voter Registered congregation this fall.
Palestinian Peacemaker Zoughbi Zoughbi is speaking Sunday, September 15, 5:00 pm at Christ the Servant Lutheran Church.
Do you want to support our in becoming a 100% voting congretation? Join this effort or take a leadership role this fall!
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