
  • The Mission and Justice Board invites you to celebrate the 53 years of Earth Day by selecting something that causes you to Get Inspired, Change One Small Thing, Advocate for Climate Justice, or Join in a Community Project.

  • You're invited to a presentation sponsored by the Lettered Streets Neighborhood Association, Wednesday April 12,  6:00-8:00 pm at the Foundation Lounge, 1209 Cornwall Avenue.

  •  The Ministry Resources Committee is looking for lay and clergy leaders to serve on several of our conference committees for two-year terms, beginning at the Annual Meeting at the end of April. We hope you will prayerfully consider offering from your time and talent in these important ways and respond before Easter Sunday! 

  • Every child deserves to make it through the school day alive. We grieve for and with the families and friends of those who will never come home again.. We decry our complicity with providing legal and easy access to weapons no one needs. And we grieve a Congress that lacks the conviction to place the safety of our children and adult citizens above political aspirations.

  • Many thanks to those who donated food to our food drive for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters! Enjoy these photos from the event!