Often it seems like we're in the midst of extremes, but there is so much in between where God meets us. Come together this Lent to meet God and each other in between.
Posts related to worship.
Often it seems like we're in the midst of extremes, but there is so much in between where God meets us. Come together this Lent to meet God and each other in between.
The First Congregational Church Orchestra will be sharing their music in worship on Sunday, March 30.
Breakfast Worship Sunday! Bring your pledge card and join us.
You can help with Sunday worship! We need people every week to participate in making our worship services wonderful.
It’s a pleasure to introduce our Interim Music Coordinator, Dallas Geil (he/him).
Pastors Sharon & Davi got together to answer all of your questions! In this video, they respond to the questions they didn't have time to address during worship.
What’s going on? What feels big or important or meaningful to you right now? What’s happening in your life that is taking up space in your head/heart?
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