We are called as a Just Peace church to stand with and advocate for all who experience injustice and violence: the sick, poor, elderly, homeless, neglected, exploited, marginalized, and discouraged.
The Mission and Justice Board wants to thank all those who have served this past year even in the midst of a pandemic. You met our common call by sharing your time, talents, and funds making it possible for:
- Parents experiencing poverty to purchase new toys for their children
- The Birchwood Food Desert Fighters to offer more food and necessities to their customers
- Someone you don’t know to feel special and loved by receiving a hand-knit hat
- A person who is cold to have a warm coat
- Individuals who are 55 and older and experiencing homelessness to have a warm meal and fellowship at the Garden View Tiny Homes
- Funds to be directed to youth mental health through the art donated and purchased in the Broken for Beauty project
- Families who are experiencing homeless to be empowered to choose and prepare healthy food
- Children who are experiencing homelessness to share in summer fun at the Fourth of July
- Youth challenged by poverty to purchase their own, new school clothes
- First Congregational Church to have a member of our church on the Whatcom Racial Equity Commission who can share their work
- Families with children to have festive decorations, greetings, and cards along with a wonderful Thanksgiving meal,
- First Congregational Church to make donations to support our neighbors flooded out of their homes in Everson and Sumas,
- Youth connected to the Ground Floor to have an extravaganza of party snacks on Christmas Eve.
- Families to celebrate Christmas with gifts they have chosen and gift cards to support other needs,
- Use special offering funds for direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties: channel resources for international programs in health, education, emergency relief, and refugee ministries; support youth ministries and leaders for new churches; and finally financial support for ministries of justice and compassion throughout the US, including the American Indian Ministries.
The Mission and Justice Board especially wants to honor and recognize the collaboration and support we have had from all of the staff members and the Faith Formation and Membership boards as we learn new ways to serve.