Covenant Groups

In June, our first covenant groups at First Congregational Church will be winding down. These groups have met once a month for 5 months. I am filled with gratitude for the group facilitators: John Green, Julia La Fortune, Dale Kimball, Shelley Ritchie and Cheryl Smith.

Are you curious? Interested in joining a covenant group? If there is enough interest we will form a group or groups for the summer: meeting June-September. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

Sign-ups for the next program year will begin in August with groups covenanting to meet October-June. Covenant groups provide opportunities for new people to connect to the church and become integrated into the community and for better connection among current members and friends. In covenant groups, participants become part of a caring group and a ministry of listening, support and understanding of one another. The groups foster spiritual growth and provide a forum for deepening faith through the discussion and sharing of spiritual topics in a confidential and safe intimate setting. These groups will create opportunities for connection and sharing our stories, as we welcome all, grow in faith, living God’s love, justice, compassion! If you would like more information, please contact me, Sharry,