Covenant Groups Starting Up

Covenant Groups


Covenant Groups are a group of 5-8 people exploring faith with one another. This year’s theme, “The Art of Experiencing the Divine,” offers opportunities to explore awe, mystery, grace and more. Three groups will be formed now, with additional groups beginning after the first of the year.


The fall opportunities are:

  1. Morning: Third Thursdays, from 10:00-11:30 am, led by Bert Miller. The first session will be October 21.
  2. Afternoon: Second and Fourth Tuesdays from 2:00-3:30 pm, led by John Green. The first session will be October 26.
  3. Evening: first Thursdays, from 6:30-8:00 pm, led by Stacy Malone-Miller. The first session will be November 4.


All groups will meet via Zoom to begin with. 


For more information or to sign up for one of these groups, contact Susan Huffman If you are interested in joining a Covenant Group, but cannot make one of the above times work, contact Susan. When new groups are scheduled, we’ll try to accommodate requests for different times.