Make “Everyday” Earth Day
The Mission and Justice Board invites you to celebrate the 53 years of Earth Day by selecting something that causes you to Get Inspired, Change One Small Thing, Advocate for Climate Justice, or Join in a Community Project.
Make One Small Change
Everyone can help climate change. There are so many ways to get involved! Knowing where to start can feel overwhelming, so here is a list of possibilities. Chose one or many!!!
o I’m in for Climate Action – reducing greenhouse gas emissions
o Watering Pledge
o We Scoop Pledge
o Screen print a reusable bag
o Make recycled art inspired by a professional artist
o Join Children’s Earth Week Story times at the Bellingham Libratry
o Submit a photo to the Climate Action Photos competition
o Check out a backpack at the Bellingham Library that contains a free Washington Discovery pass and guides
o Take a look at the BPL Book Climate Action List
o Check out a wonderful Earth Day book for children
o Take a self-guided discovery tour of Bellingham’s storm water system
- Plant a pollinator in your garden or even in a deck or patio flowerpot. Use native species to support local population of butterflies, bees, and other organisms critical to sustain our biodiversity.
- Take a few minutes and calculate your use of plastics and make a plan to make reduce your use by even a small percent.
- Fast fashion has completely revolutionized the apparel industry and fabric waste is becoming one of the biggest contributors to landfills. Commit to responsible consumption. Check into Ragfinery and Habitat as places to take unusable clothing and or small pieces of fabric.
- Save energy at home by lowering your heating and cooling or switching to LED light bulb and energy-efficient electric appliances.
- Walk, bike, or take public transport
- Eat more vegetables as they require less energy, land, and water to produce.
- Throw away less food
- Consider your travel
- Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle
- Change your home's source of energy
- Bring your own bottle or mug when you go out for coffee!
- Turn off some lights.
- Have a “2 degrees” goal at home. Set your thermostat a couple of degrees up (A/C) or down (heater) depending on the season to make a difference in your energy use and energy bill.
- Take a hike. Finding your happy place in the natural environment helps you become personally invested in what’s at stake.
- Use slower shipping for online shopping. Don’t select 1-day shipping. Delivery trucks have to make more trips when consumers select expedited shipping.
- Don’t be an electric vampire. Unplug your computer, toaster, and other appliances when not using them to avoid sucking up needless energy. “
- Take a second look at your personal care products. Volatile chemical products in things like shampoo, cleaning products and paint contribute as much to urban air pollution as tailpipe emissions from cars.
- Save energy by washing your clothes in cool water. Most of the energy used in doing a load of laundry comes from warming the water itself.