Good Trouble
Climate Justice is at the Heart of Our Faith. The Earth Day Theme for 2021 is Restore Our Earth which focuses not only on reducing our impact on natural processes, with emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking, but how we can restore the world’s ecosystems, rejecting the notion that mitigation or adaption are the only ways to address climate change. Commit to doing at least ONE of the ideas offered by the Mission and Justice Board as your Good Trouble for April. Check off how many IDEAS you are already doing, and select one IDEA to try.
At Home IDEAS to Celebrate ‘Restore Our Earth Day’:
1. Switch to non-toxic, bio-degradable soaps, detergents and cleaners at the grocery store as you run out.
2. Shop local, sustainable fresh vegetables and goods at Bellingham’ Farmer’s Market Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Depot Market Square downtown.
3. Been meaning to replace your filament light bulbs with more efficient LED bulbs, but it costs a lot? Replace 2-4 filament light bulbs a month till they are all replaced. (Re-cycle your replaced bulbs)
4. Eliminate the use of chemical fertilizers this Spring in your yard, that harm water, air, and wildlife.
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