Hosts for Backyard Conversations

We are all so anxious to start connecting again and we have a lot to share and talk about! To that end, your leadership team is working to organize small group gatherings of church folk this summer. The goal is to give us all a chance to meet and talk with people that we may have connected with in church when we were meeting regularly but with whom we have not connected since we have been remote. As a first step, we are recruiting volunteers to host a small group (6-8 people) gathering outdoors. It could be in your backyard or at one of our beautiful parks or another outdoor space. This is a one-time commitment, and you can choose the date that you wish to host. Our hope is to have an array of dates, times and locations for gatherings. For more information on hosting or to sign up, please contact Beth Tyne or Pastor Davi. Stay tuned for information about opportunities to attend a gathering.