Increasing Understanding Of Our Indigenous Neighbors

Understanding of Our Relationship with our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters


We've got some opportunities coming up to explore and expand our relationships with our neighbors.



  • November 8, 7:00 pm Adult Forum - Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery— Where did the Doctrine of Discovery come from, and how did common Americans embrace its theology? How does it still show up in us today, and how might we see its effects in our own lives?
  • November 12, after worship – Join others at coffee hour to share your thoughts about the Mt. Baker presentation of The Aunties, Women of the Salish Sea. Contemporary Indigenous Story Telling. Grab a cup of coffee and tea and look for the table sign!
  • November 14, 7:00 pm - What does it mean to be an Indigenous Youth? Join us in the Sanctuary for a special presentation with question and answer session with Roy Nicol and WyKeklyaa CurleyBear, Young Lummi Leaders from the Children of the Setting Sun.