Interfaith Coalition Service Opportunities

Yardwork Work Party for Interfaith housing units, Saturday April 12, 9:00 am-12:00 noon at 1303 Texas Street. We need eight people to weed, spread barkdust, edge, rake the playground and spread bark, and prune shrubs.


Lawn mowing- we are collecting a list of volunteer lawn mowers to take care of the grass at the Texas street 4-plex through the growing season. It could be a one-time thing, or for a set timeframe. Interfaith has the lawnmower on site.


Cobbler bakers- On site at an approved church kitchen May 16, making cobbler for the Interfaith fundraiser that will be Saturday May 17. You must have a food handler permit, but there is time to get one with an online course and test that takes about an hour. We need up to four bakers to prepare multiple pans of cobbler from provided ingredients and recipes.


Fundraising volunteers for May 17 "Comedy and Cobbler" event at the Bellingham High School Performing Arts Theater. We need four people for setting up tables, two people to check in guests, four people to set out desserts and beverages, two people for ushers, and two people for cleanup. Shifts start at 6:00 pm, the show is at 7:00 pm, dessert is served at 8:00 pm, clean up runs from 8:30-9:00 pm.


Admin volunteer for fundraising - tracking ticket sales, preparing raffle tickets, preparing check in spreadsheet. This could be done at the IFC office or at home with reliable internet access and good spreadsheet skills.