Family Promise Bed Race: First Congretional Church will not have a bed in the competition but you can still support the Family Promise program. Go to to donate online or learn where to send a check.
Providing Warmth to Neighbors in Need: Interfaith Coalition’s annual winter warmth drive provides warm outerwear for everyone from babies to seniors. Please bring clean, gently used (washed) or new winter coats and jackets, gloves, scarves and hats to the church parking lot on Friday, October 8 from 10:00-11:30 am. Members of the Mission and Justice Board will be there to collect the items. If you are a knitter, handmade hats and scarves are also cherished. For many of our neighbors, this program means they won't need to spend limited income on a winter coat or do without. Thank you for sharing the warmth!
The Whatcom Racial Equity Commission Continues to Grow! If you’d like to learn more about the Commission’s work, you can attend their upcoming online Town Hall Meeting, Thursday, September 30, 12:30-1:30 pm.
Election Information: Your Mission & Justice Board wants to let you know about election forums coming from the League of Women Voters. For information, see
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