Lets Talk About Aging

Let’s Talk About Aging And How We Can Care for Each Other


Sunday, March 9, 11:30 am-12:30 pm at First Congregational Church


If you’re alive, you’re aging.  And with aging, come changes and challenges.  For those of us approaching or already in the “golden years,” those changes and challenges may force us to adapt how we live at home and in our faith community.  Representatives from our local Area Agency on Aging will present an overview on how we can make our homes and faith community more “aging friendly.”  Please join us for a vibrant discussion around:


Home and building (church) modifications

Adaptive equipment for the home and church that supports fully engaged participation

 How to know when it’s time to make a change and as well as when to seek professional help vs “family & friends”

 Engaging assistance with family, friends, FCCB Called to Care 

Ins and Outs of “professional” home care resources

 For those of us wanting to help ... 

 Checklists to help us determine what types of help to offer

Tips on how to offer that help