Meet Me in the Middle

You are invited to


Wednesdays, from 12 noon to 1 pm

Give us part or all of your lunch hour for a Zoom conversation that invites you to look at the Bible in a fresh way.


This spring we will be taking an in-depth look at the beginning of the Book of Isaiah. This will not be a traditional Bible Study. It will challenge and perhaps change the way you look at the Hebrew Scriptures. We will have opportunities to encounter the text, examine its original context, and explore how the text informs our lives. In ways that are different from personal devotions, church school classes, or listening to the preached word we will be challenged, sustained, and invited to discover a sense of direction. This exploration is based on the work of Walter Brueggemann.


We know different people have different schedules.The course will be set up to accommodate those who need to join late or leave early and those who are not able to participate every week. A study guide will be available for those who wish to have additional background invitation, but no advance preparation is required.


I hope you will be able to meet me in the middle. If you have comments, questions, or concerns, please contact me: Ted Huffman -