Midweek Message, April 6, 2022

Meet Our Sabbatical Visiting Pastor!


We’re excited to share a little about Rev. Phiwa Langeni. The search committee, Personnel, and Church Council selected this candidate to be our visiting pastor during Sharon’s sabbatical because of their many gifts including their ability to support our visioning this year. They’ll start their tenure on Sunday, May 8.


Pastor Phiwa (pronounced PEE-wah)  is an ordained United Church of Christ minister and the Ambassador for Innovation and Engagement for the National UCC. They also work as a speaker, a coach for organizations, and a writer for the Still Speaking Writer’s Group. Originally from South Africa and having been an outsider for the bulk of their life, Pastor Phiwa is a passionate about helping people understand that different doesn’t have to be dangerous. Their pronouns are they and he.


As a part of their tenure among us, Pastor Phiwa will support our visioning to “collaboratively (re) envision tangible ways of ‘welcoming all, growing in faith, living God’s love, justice, compassion...’ authentically” as we reflect on who we are now and who we’re called to be as a congregation. They’ll serve half-time, including in worship each Sunday where you’ll get to know their great storytelling and welcoming presence.


A brochure will be mailed soon with information about who to contact regarding various ministries while Sharon is away. This sabbatical period (May 1-August 14) will be an incredible time of spiritual renewal and connection for all of us—thanks be to God!