Family Promise Meal Kit
Opportunity: We need the ingredients for two meals and you will work as a team to shop for the ingredients (recipes provided), add salad, bread, and dessert so that a complete “meal kit” can be provided to the family. A delivery person is also needed. It would be great to have notes of encouragement or other small items such as children's books included to connect First Congregational Church with the family.
Who: Anyone who would like to work with 2-3 other people to create a meal
When: Delivery on Monday, February 6 between 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Where: Delivery will be in Bellingham
Contact Person: Sharon, Sharon will connect people with their fellow team members to decide on who is donating which items.
Faith Action Network
Opportunity: Amplify your voice on legislative issues. First Congregational Church is a member of the Faith Action Network (FAN), who has a representative working daily in Olympia at the legislative session. You can take personal action on numerous issues – economic justice and food security, housing, gun responsibility, criminal justice, environmental justice, and immigrant rights by contacting your legislator as part of FAN. You can also receive updates of bills of interest to the faith community on a weekly basis.
Who: You!
When: Now!
Where: Faith Action Network,
Advocacy Day
Opportunity: Please consider joining me, Pastor Davi, in Olympia for the Faith Action Network (FAN) Interfaith Advocacy Day! I'll be traveling down early on February 9 for the 9:00 am-3:00 pm day of workshops, conversations with legislators, and interfaith prayer for justice in our state! I’ve found this to be a great way to connect with legislators, whether you are an old hand at those conversations, or brand new to speaking directly with your lawmakers! FAN is asking for registrations by January 29, so please register here: And let me know you’re coming so we can arrange carpools etc.
Who: Anyone!
When: Register by January 29 for February 9 Advocacy Day
Where: the Capital!
Earth Ministry/WAIPL Advocacy Training
Opportunity: Would you like some background and training on how to effectively reach out to your legislators this legislative session? Sr. Jessica Zimmerle gives the basics and highlights some environmental justice priorities coming up- feel free to watch at your convenience! Let Davi know if you have questions or would like local support getting involved!
Event Recording: If you would like to revisit the training or share it, the recording is available here.
Did You Know?
The Mission and Justice Board made a donation in 2022 to the local Planned Parenthood agency so that all in our community can have adequate healthcare as part of an ongoing focus on economic and racial justice focus.
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