MLK Day Community Service Opportunities

The holiday remembering Martin Luther King Jr. is often celebrated as a day of service. Whatcom County education, city, and nonprofit institutions have collaborated to sponsor an event Monday, January 15,  beginning at 10:00 am at Sehome High School. The event will include a Lummi blessing, community breakfast, music, and readings. For youth, there is a special program on nonviolent activitism from 11:00 am-2:00 pm. Beginning at 2:00 pm, there are service opportunites at Sehome High School and in the community, including: 


Kits for the houseless (12–1 pm): Organize donated food, toiletries, medical supplies and more into kits for local houseless individuals. Kits will be organized at Sehome High School.

Blanket making (12-1 pm): Tie donated fabrics together to make 100 warm and cozy blankets for community members. Blanket tying will occur at Sehome High School.

Food drive: (January 8-15): Please donate any non-perishable foods to any of our bins located throughout the community. The food will be shared amongst the food pantries at schools in Bellingham. Food Drive bins can be found at:

The Bagelry
Fringe Boutique
Bellingham City Hall


For details visit