Our Work Together – Our Pledge Dollars in Action
UCC: In an unprecedented moment of moral reckoning, Church World Service (CWS) today issued The Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Declaration: Defending Refuge, a bold and urgent call to action from faith communities across the nation. With 45 initial signers, including CWS’ Covenant Members, this declaration is more than a statement—it is a solemn and unshakable commitment by religious leaders and organizations to stand against policies that endanger refugees. https://www.ucc.org/faith-communities-unite-in-historic-declaration-to-defend-refugees-at-critical-crossroads-for-u-s-policy/
Legislative Win Protecting Houses of Faith: First Congregational Church partners with others through our pledge dollars to address legislative issues. Recent actions through our partnership in the Our Churches Wider Mission include support for the lawsuit filed by 27 religious groups challenging ICE action in churches, support for the UCC Public Policy & Advocacy dedicated to raising the prophetic voiced of the UCC on Capital Hill, and development of critical resources for UCC congregations addressing the first 100 days of the new administration. https://www.ucc.org/a-faithful-response-to-the-first-100-days-online-advocacy-resource-page-now-available/
Faith Action Network: First Congregational Church is a FAN member. Track FAN positions and bill progress at fanwa.org. A primary focus of this session is human rights.
Earth Ministries has a legislative presence focused on CURB, Pollution Act. Recyling Reform ACT, Clean Truck Act bill and Invest in Climate bill. Check this out at earthministry.org. Now is the time to make your concerns known on any of this legislation.
Growing Whatcom Faith Community Response for Immigrant Support: The Whatcom Faith Community Immigrant Support (WFCIS) is a network of faith communities drawn together to support immigrant rights and to provide support for immigrant families. First Congregational Church is one of nearly 20 faith communities in this network. Watch for opportunities to be involved.
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