Outdoor Work Days

The church garden beds need your tender loving care. We have gone for over two years without a “garden party,” and, despite great efforts by a few people, the neglect is showing. We are scheduling two days in May for weeding: Saturday, May 8,  and Friday, May 14. We'll be working from 9:00 am until  about 12:00 noon each day, depending on progress. After the weeding is done, we'll schedule more days to spread bark.

Come for all or part of the time. The more people who help out, the faster this will go. Bring digging tools to get those pesky dandelions and grasses, and maybe a bucket. 

ALSO, people are always welcome to come dig weeds anytime. We will have disposal service, courtesy of Andy Y, on these days.

Please RSVP to David Fayram (dfayram@yahoo.com). Call David (360-927-4961) or Roger Shimer (360-305-2018) if you have questions.