Stephen Ministry Update

Dear First Congregational Church family,


We write again, hoping once again, that there are members who might be inspired to take the Stephen Ministry training this winter (we are hoping to have a class of four or more by February). We have started interviews.


Newly commissioned Stephen Ministers would relieve currently long-serving members who have shouldered our care receivers. Stephen Ministers would take a break at last knowing the service could still be available to our congregation. Training and service encompasses two years, about 12 weeks of training, and the remaining time in service following commissioning. During our time of service, bi-monthly supervision class attendance is included, wherein we report to receive support for our caregiving and continue our education.


As part of the training, we share our lives and practice skills on one another and pray together. We each contribute during the supervisions, sharing literature that builds understanding and sensitivity, and lifts our spirits. Our spiritual growth is broadened by stories of crisis, trauma and struggle and resolution brought about by caring, unconditional support, patience, encouragement, and deep reflective listening at the basic essence of our training. Together, we make a family of caregivers. We grow close as we share our lives and support one another.


As a Stephen Minister, you are assigned to care for people you most probably have never known. Those people all depend on you to listen to them and to learn how they feel as you ask the questions that help them hear themselves and open the truths they need to heal and cope in their lives. We learn to" park our own egos at the door". We become overwhelmingly aware of circumstances in the caregiving that happen solely under "the eye of God", and we are all graced.


Julie Gorrell, on behalf of the Stephen Minister leadership.