A Message from Our Moderator
Hello, my First Congregational Church friends,
This is a Stewardship letter.
To be honest, I am one of the last people I would have writing a stewardship letter. I’m not comfortable asking for money or donations. I’m not inspired by it, at all. It’s just not one of my ‘things’.
Yet here I am asking you to consider what and how you can pledge your support to First Congregational Church in 2025.
I’d much rather share with you what I am excited about at First Congregational.
There is a shift happening. Can you feel it?
In our exploration of what it means to be church in today’s world, we have shared creative experiences in worship, council meetings, board meetings and our mid-year congregational meeting. We celebrated with a Ministry Fair where over forty ministries were represented. Over forty ministries!
Each of these is one step closer to realizing what it is to create a church that fully lives into our vision:
We are a nurturing beloved community, growing authentic Christian faith and living Christ-inspired action.
I am inspired by the openness and ability for us to step into this time of creative exploration and discernment. Presently - it is a bit messy (which I love!) - we have ‘suspended’ our bylaws and are looking at what a restructure could look like for our council, boards and staff.
And yet, we’re doing it. We are in this together. We are trusting each other and the process. This is exciting. There is a shift happening. Can you feel it?
We all play a role in this.
You matter! Your voice matters. Your time, your talent and yes, your financial contribution, they all matter.
So, here I am asking you to consider what and how you can pledge your support (time, talent and finances) to First Congregational Church in 2025.
During this stewardship season we also invite you to reaffirm your membership covenant. What does your commitment to First Congregational look like?
On Sunday, November 17 we will have a Stewardship Breakfast Worship Service. We will share a meal, pray together, re-covenant and recognize our collective generosity.
I am grateful!
Scott Ward, Moderator
By now you should have received the pledge and recovenanting forms in the mail. Return those to the church by mail or by dropping off in the office or the wall safe. If you can't find them in the mail they will be downloadable below. There is also an online pledge form on Breeze: https://fccb.breezechms.com/form/ef8c489373
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