1. In the upcoming Capital Campaign, what is the congregation's goal?
What is the goal for fundraising from other sources? Our goal is for the congregation to raise $875,000: $600,000 from member gifts and pledges and $250,000 from our members fundraising in the community (grants, events, and gifts from others).
2. What's happening with our neighbors?
Staff and members at First Congregational are visiting with neighbors, and will continue to do so as we prepare to host The Ground Floor. A team of folks has visited our three surrounding Neighborhood Associations, and we are planning a series of public events for folks to learn more about the project! So far our neighbors are very supportive, and they are glad to know we are eager to answer questions and hear concerns.
3. What will it be like for the congregation once The Ground Floor opens?
Hopefully, we will be able to volunteer and support The Ground Floor in a variety of ways. But, apart from a few more staff cars in the lot on weekdays, and more youth coming in and out of The Ground Floor entrance, we don't anticipate that this project will otherwise impact the day-to-day experience of being involved at First Congregational.
4. Will youth stay overnight at The Ground Floor?
No, the project is only approved to offer services during the day.
5. What ages will be served at The Ground Floor?
Though the program will primarily serve people from ages 18-24, younger youth will also be served, so the full range of program ages is 13-24. Youth who are parents of infants and other small children will also be able to access services at The Ground Floor.
6. What will be the on-going expenses for The Ground Floor?
Northwest Youth Services will cover the costs of operating and staffing The Ground Floor. They will also pay for their portion of our electricity, heating, and water costs. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is available for perusing in the office.
7. When we will being building?
In February, the congregation voted to divide the project into two phases. Phase one, building the ramp and stairs that will let us access The Ground Floor space from E Street, will hopefully be built in April/May. Phase two will proceed at some point in the summer, once adequate funds are raised or pledged.
8. Will we start building before the Capital Campaign is complete?
We are only building when we have committed funds. The work on the ramp won't start unless we have enough pledges and gifts to cover that section, and the renovations inside (the bulk of the expense of the project) won't start until we have enough pledges and donations to cover that cost.
9. How can I get involved in The Ground Floor?
Talk to a member of the pastoral team, or a member of the Capital Campaign team, or Steering Committee. The work of a Capital Campaign is for all of us to share, just like we will all get to share in the celebration when we meet our goal!
10. Is there a website or something?
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