We are a congregation
composed of many
made up of one and one and one.
Together, in all we do, we aim to hold
God at our center as we
seek in our diversity a common vision.
Together, God at our center in all we do, we seek to
experience God’s love
celebrate God’s gifts
practice Christ’s teachings
take care of each other
bring love and justice to our community
welcome and include all people in the life and work of the church
one by one by one
God at our center.
At First Congregational Church of Bellingham, we believe that our Creator loves and accepts each of us just as we were created — no matter our gender identity, race, ethnicity, economic or social status, or sexual orientation.
We also recognize that the wider church has not always followed Christ’s example of radical love and hospitality to all. Our church is committed to welcoming all people into the full life and rites of our community including membership, communion, and marriage. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
The Hebrew word shalom describes a just peace and a sense of wholeness and interconnectedness for every person and all of creation. We believe this is the kind of life and community that God calls us to create here on earth.
We at First Congregational Church Bellingham strive to be a loving community that practices service, hospitality, and care for people and planet, while seeking peace and justice for all.
After years of careful discernment, prayer, and study the Just Peace Committee asked that the congregation adopt the following declaration at our 2013 Annual Meeting making First Congregational Church of Bellingham, United Church of Christ, a Just Peace Church. The declaration passed unanimously on Sunday January 27, 2013.
Our church was founded in July of 1883 in a settlement of lumber workers and fishers. Over more than a century, our faith community has journeyed through joy, hardship, and great changes with a strong commitment to serving each other, our community and the world.
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