The Green Team's focus for August is "Eat More Vegetables." Turns out, your parents were right!
The Green Team's focus for August is "Eat More Vegetables." Turns out, your parents were right!
Humans, animals and plants all suffer from land and water contaminated by improperly discarded garbage. Use what you need, and when you have to throw something out, dispose of it properly.
The First Congregational Church Green Team hopes to help our faith community focus on just one or two items or ideas you and/or your family can try each month: to reduce our carbon footprint; suggest ideas for what you can specifically do; reinforce our monthly ritual in Worship; bring hope to our efforts individually and together on Climate Justice.
The Green Team hopes to help our faith community focus on just one or two items or ideas you and/or your family can try each month: to reduce our carbon footprint; suggest ideas for what you can specifically do; reinforce our monthly ritual in Worship; bring hope to our efforts individually and together on Climate Justice. The April focus is: Walk, bike or take public transport.
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