The Full Circle Blog

  • We've got a lot planned for Lent this year! We hope you'll be able to participate in some of these events virtually. Coronavirus has changed some of our plans.

  • This year the Mission & Justice Board is inviting members and friends of the First Congregational Church community to join us in the restorative work of caring for our planet. This year, instead of giving up something for Lent, we are encouraging members to make a pledge to take action on climate change.

  • Because of concerns related to COVID-19 and, following the recommendations of county and state officials, we have made the difficult decision to postpone this event. We will post here when we have more information.

  • David Roberts from the Bellingham Climate Action Task Force and Kulshan Services will be sharing his lecture, "Black Swans, Boiled Frogs, and Canaries in the Mine: Choosing Our Climate Future." His slides and lecture focus on the short and long-term effects of global climate change, with a particular emphasis on how this will change life in Whatcom County and what we can do about it.

  • The first Sunday of each month as part of our church school rotation we worship together in community. Children are invited to sit near the communion table on the floor pillows and chairs (so they are able to see). Other adults and parents are invited to join us as together we experience the rituals of our faith worshiping together.

  • What is 2020 going to bring in our life together as First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ? In 2019 there were expected and unexpected moments; there were planned joys, and there were challenges for which we couldn’t have prepared.

  • We have an exciting opportunity to consider as a congregation. Recently, leaders from Northwest Youth Services let us know that the City of Bellingham was interested in funding a Winter Youth Shelter.