The Full Circle Blog

  • In June, our first covenant groups at First Congregational Church will be winding down. These groups have met once a month for 5 months. I am filled with gratitude for the group facilitators: John Green, Julia La Fortune, Dale Kimball, Shelley Ritchie and Cheryl Smith.

  • It's really happening! Construction on Phase 1 has begun! There was a blessing and ceremonial groundbreaking after worship on Sunday, April 22 and the big machines were here the following day to start work! The project is underway!

  • Minister of Christian Formation Sharry Nyberg talks about the projects our church school children support, and how to contribute to these projects.

  • On February 21, at 11:22 am, students in Bellingham, and across the country, walked out of school in support of the students at Stoneman Douglas High School, who experienced a school shooting the previous week, on February 14, Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday. We reached out to some of our students for their perspective on the walkout and the issue of gun violence.

  • This Lent, we’re contemplating showing up. How does the Divine show up for us in our lives? How do we show up for the Divine?