The Full Circle Blog

  • Remember that all of our events are being held virtually. Believe it or not, this isn’t everything! For more information about these and other groups and activities, contact

  • As a result of the Connecting Survey done by the Membership Board of First Congregational Church Bellingham,  we became more  aware of amazing gifts people are willing to share with others during e times of COVID. Thank you to all who gave suggestions and offered services.

  • As all areas of life in this time of COVID-19, being church and being in community have changed. Here are our recurring events and some small groups you can participate in with us.

  • What do you need?

    Are some of you finally finding a smoother groove in this time? Are some of you creating new routines that work? Or are you discovering that each time you think you are on track to a new “normal” (whatever that means), you once again feel upended, like one of Jesus’ parables?

  • First Congregational Church and the Red Cedar Zen Center are looking for volunteers to help with the Family Promise Program.

  • Here is the information for connecting to our virtual Pentecost Potluck Sunday, May 31. Join us for to connect with your church community!

  • Even though we've been under a stay-at-home order since March 23, we are still the church! If you're looking for some connection during this time, we have some activities you might be interested in.